Monday, February 18, 2008

Here We Go...

Wow...It's been awhile. Haha. Well..ya know...I just kinda started to give up on my blog. Because I don't understand it. And all this stuff. But I decided to post something because I'm bored... so here goes....

Well competitive cheerleading just ended. :( Which is very sad because I miss it sooo much. I made a ton of new friends, mostly 7th graders. Because I obviously know most of the 8th graders.

As soon as cheerleading ended I jumped right into the school musical as a "Bird Girl." Which is basically just an extra. We are performing "Suessical," an arrangement of all Dr. Suess's books into a crazy, confusing, and stupid story including, the Cat in the Hat, Jojo The Who, Horton the Elephant...ect.

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In the && emmie have been haning out NONSTOP. We are together all day at school and every minute over the weekends. I have no idea what I would do without her. She's completlely my best friend. &&She helps me through all my hard times. iloveyouem.
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Gracie said...

Glad you have updated! That is a great picture of you and her! Missed ya

Holly said...

Glad to hear from you! Cute pic!

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