Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Its been awhile... lol

4 facts about me:
1. My favorite color is pink... im usually wearing pink in atleast one article of clothing at all times.
2. Emmie and Lauren have been my best friends since Preschool
3. I have a special sisterhood with my close friends. (lol dont ask)
4. I am terrified of snakes and needles (sorry Emmie but I'm with ya on that one!!)

4 habits I have.
1. I don't pay enough attention to acedemics. (see thats probably spelled wrong.. lol)
2. I usually don't clean up after myself.
3. I tend to loose important things. (my cell phone, my iPod)
4. I find myself standing in "pageant stance" when im just standing in one spot.

4 things I discovered in the last 4 years.
1. God has a plan for my life.
2. The only man a girl can ever trust is her Daddy.
3. Friends are always there for you when you need them.
4. Drama is not something you want to be in the middle of.

4 things I want to try or do in the next 4 years.
1. Take my spiritual walk with God to the next level.
2. Work harder on grades and at school.
3. Be an influence to younger kids through titles that I hold.
4. Be in God's word more.


Emmie said...

OMG GIRLIE! Love love love your answers!
Special sisterhood...oo yeah! I'm so excited about the whole traveling sweatshirt thing and bear! Speaking of, how has that been working out for ya..:) Do you know what patch you are gonna put on it yet...lol! You better get thinking!

I'm with ya on not wanting to get in the middle of drama and only being able to trust your dad! Those are for sure true facts..:)

And about us both hoping to become closer to God..I think this Bible Study will really help us with that! I hope we can continue it throughout the whole summer! Can't wait for our first meeting on Friday! I even have a little special surprise for you both! :) hehe!
Stay caught up with the devotions and don't loose them, like your i-pod, cell, and straightner..loljkjk

Oh, and about you not paying enough attention to acedemics...I can make up for the both of us for having the highest GPA..lol! Sounds good!

Well, gots to go update the blog! Luvs...
love the mose amazingist, more than Cody AND Kenzie..lol

Emmie said...

aww..I'm so glad we're friends again too! Why did I ever hang around with Gabby anyway? Ingrid reminded me that they are the perfect couple...both ugly, the both screwed me over, and they're both sluty...just wanting to m/o. Sorry but I'm like really mad/sad about that you know! But something that always cheers me up...remembering Gaygen's gone! :)

Steffie B. said...

Excellent answers K...... ;)